Friday 21 March 2014

Health News : Five Studies Link Activity/Exercise To Lower Breast Cancer Risk

1. Regular physical activity reduces breast cancer risk irrespective of age

ScienceDaily reports : Practising sport for more than an hour day reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer, and this applies to women of any age and any weight, and also unaffected by geographical location. Compared with the least active women, those with the highest level of physical activity reduced their risk of breast cancer by 12%, researchers say.

Read the full ScienceDaily article : click here

Source: Date:  March 20, 2014   Source:  The European CanCer Organisation (ECCO)/ 

2. Study links moderate activity to lower breast cancer risk

ScienceDaily reports : A large new American Cancer Society study adds to increasing evidence that physical activity reduces the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Among the women who reported walking as their only activity, those who walked at least 7 hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked 3 or fewer hours per week. The women walked at a "moderate" pace -- about 3 miles per hour. The most active women -- those who walked and did more vigorous exercise -- had a 25% lower risk of breast cancer compared to the least active.

Source: Date:  October 4, 2013   Source:  American Cancer Society/ 

3. Exercise, even mild physical activity, may reduce breast cancer risk

ScienceDaily reports : A new analysis has found that physical activity – either mild or intense and before or after menopause – may reduce breast cancer risk, but substantial weight gain may negate these benefits. The findings indicate that women can reduce their breast cancer risk by exercising and maintaining their weight.

Source: Date:  June 25, 2012   Source:  Wiley-Blackwell/ 

4. Recent, Vigorous Exercise Is Associated With Reduced Breast Cancer Risk

ScienceDaily reports : Post-menopausal women who engage in moderate to vigorous exercise have a reduced risk of breast cancer. This comes from researchers who investigated the link between breast cancer and exercise.

Source: Date:  October 1, 2009   Source:  BioMed Central/ 

5. Vigorous exercise reduces breast cancer risk in African-American women

ScienceDaily reports : Vigorous exercise of more than two hours per week reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in postmenopausal African-American women by 64 percent, compared to women of the same race who do not exercise, according to researchers.

Source: Date:  October 3, 2010   Source:  American Association for Cancer Research/ 

UKRawHealth Comments
A natural way to reduce breast cancer risk sounds great and exercise couldn't be more natural for human beings. If you are not exercising at all, start walking every day a few minutes and build up to half an hour over time. Or if you like variety try to do different things each week in between days of walking. Don't be too hard on yourself, if you can't do too much on one day do as much as you can and then try again the next day. Everything you do towards more exercise counts. If you are exercising regularly then keep it up. If you sit down for most of the day as part of your job or lifestyle, get up and stretch and walk about for a few minutes every hour. Try not to stay still for too long. Remember to check with your doctor before starting any exercise.

Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Weight Loss : Things I Can Do Now #2 : Miss A Step

Welcome to Things I Can Do Now. This is a series of easy changes you'll hardly notice for those who wish to improve their diet and lifestyle without the effort!

Things I Can Do Now #2 : Miss A Step.

If you use stairs regularly, increase your strength and muscle mass by missing out a step ie. climbing two stairs at a time (if you can do this safely) when ascending. Building muscle mass/density enables your body to burn more fat/calories than normal whilst you are resting and of course the extra effort to climb stairs this way will require more calories. Remember to check with your doctor before starting exercise or making changes to your exercise routine.

Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Health News : Food packaging chemicals may be harmful to human health over long term

ScienceDaily reports : The synthetic chemicals used in the packaging, storage, and processing of foodstuffs might be harmful to human health over the long term, warn environmental scientists.

This is because most of these substances are not inert and can leach into the foods we eat, they say. Despite the fact that some of these chemicals are regulated, people who eat packaged or processed foods are likely to be chronically exposed to low levels of these substances throughout their lives. 

And far too little is known about their long term impact.

Read the full ScienceDaily article : click here

UKRawHealth Comments
Easy changes to avoid plastics: Avoid processed foods and ready meals. Avoid processed foods that require cooking their plastic. Eat more raw foods and cook from scratch/fresh ingredients in glass or ceramic cookware. Buy cosmetics and bathroom products containing natural ingredients in glass bottles. Grow your own fruits and vegetables and/or buy from stores/markets/farmer's markets that offer produce without plastic packaging. Make one change each week to achieve a plastic free goal.

Image : Wrap/buy your fats and proteins in non-plastic packaging.

Source: Date:  February 19, 2014   Source:  BMJ-British Medical Journal/ Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Health News : Industrial chemicals found in sample of 72 commonly consumed foods

ScienceDaily reports : Researchers have discovered phthalates, industrial chemicals, in common foods purchased in the United States. Phthalates can be found in a variety of products and food packaging material, child-care articles and medical devices.

A sample of 72 commonly consumed foods including pizza, meats and beverages from supermarkets in Albany, N.Y., were purchased and tested for the presence of phthalates. Researchers detected some level of phthalate in every food product they sampled.

Phthalates have been linked to breast cancer and endocrine disruption*.

UKRawHealth Comments
Easy changes to avoid plastics: Avoid processed foods and ready meals. Avoid processed foods that require cooking their plastic. Eat more raw foods and cook from scratch/fresh ingredients in glass or ceramic cookware. Buy cosmetics and bathroom products containing natural ingredients in glass bottles. Grow your own fruits and vegetables and/or buy from stores/markets/farmer's markets that offer produce without plastic packaging. Make one change each week to achieve a plastic free goal.

Image : Choose produce without plastic packaging.

Important Notes: Date:  March 7, 2013  Source:  University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston/ *Source: Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

Monday 3 March 2014

Weight Loss : Things I Can Do Now #1 : Leave One Thing Out Of Your Sandwich

Welcome to Things I Can Do Now. This is a series of easy changes you'll hardly notice for those who wish to improve their diet and lifestyle without the effort!

Things I Can Do Now #1 : Leave One Thing Out Of Your Sandwich - The Butter .

This will have an impact over the course of the year on your fat intake. Think about how many tubs of spreadable butter and blocks of butter you buy each month/year. That's all fat you are eating.

Whether you have a super healthy open sandwich of hummus, sprouts and legumes or the more traditional chicken salad or ham and tomato, leaving out the butter/spread is a good move to cut fat and after a week you'll be used to it whilst still consuming your usual lunch each day!

1. Leave the butter off your toast and just spread with high fruit jams, preserves or marmalade. Or something savory like grilled tomatoes and mushrooms.

2. Make sandwiches as you normally would, leave out the butter, just add your normal filling. You may to have cut sandwiches into smaller pieces to be able to hold successfully without the filling falling out, again this is a good move for weight loss as it will encourage smaller bites and the sandwich to last longer.

Low fat sandwich love to all your hearts from Mrs. Bee. If you have any low fat sandwich recipes you love post them in the comments below or get in touch at

Image : An open sandwich topped with hummus, sprouted seeds and legumes.

Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Natural Foods : Fast "Feel Good" Smoothie Recipe : Banana Berry Smoothie

Welcome to UK Raw Health.

I would love it if you would join me for a simple tasty smoothie, with "feel good" ingredients to boost your mood.

It's quick to make taking a total of about 5 minutes including the clean up.

In the blender/processor jug: 1 large ripe organic banana broken into pieces, 4 large organic strawberries, a few berries - I used black currants and raspberries picked fresh as these were growing in my garden, but I also like frozen organic berries. Berries are highly flavourful so only use a few otherwise the taste will dominate.

Blend and add as much liquid as you like to reach your preferred consistency. As you can see from the picture I did not blend up much as my smoothie is still a little textured this is because I only blend for 30 seconds or less so as not to introduce too much oxygen into the smoothie - oxygen oxidises and damages the living enzymes in plants. Go for your own preference, if you like a smoother consistency blend more!

I used rice milk to thin the fruit mixture, but I also like filtered water, coconut water, oat milk and raw almond milk. Taste with a small spoon, if the berries are too tarte add some Stevia or coconut sugar and blend. Pour the beautifully coloured smoothie into a glass, quickly clean up your blender, should take about 30 seconds, then enjoy your smoothie sipping slowly.

What ever recipe you choose for your smoothie, remember to create it with love and enjoy it in nature taking a few minutes from your busy day to breathe fresh air and let the sun hit your skin for a dose of Vitamin D. Wishing you peace and love... Mrs. Bee x

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Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.